What’s up this Week?

What’s up this Week?

What’s up this week?? Oh, just some House Cleaning, Baby showers, School events, DIY projects at every turn and some self care with a Photo Facial! Plus what to watch...

What’s up this Week?

What’s up this week?? Oh, just some House Cleaning, Baby showers, School events, DIY projects at every turn and some self care with a Photo Facial! Plus what to watch...

Laser Hair Removal: Say Goodbye to Shaving, Plucking, Bleaching, Waxing.. & Hello to Smooth Skin!

Laser Hair Removal: Say Goodbye to Shaving, Plu...

Laser hair removal, the good, the bad and the fuzzy! Check out my before and after with experience and how to prepare for laser as well as my favourite clinic...

Laser Hair Removal: Say Goodbye to Shaving, Plu...

Laser hair removal, the good, the bad and the fuzzy! Check out my before and after with experience and how to prepare for laser as well as my favourite clinic...

Styling the Gentle Fawn Caden Coat

Styling the Gentle Fawn Caden Coat

So you found the Iconic Caden Coat by Gentle Fawn at the thrift store… But how much $ is too much to pay for a second hand coat??  You tell...

Styling the Gentle Fawn Caden Coat

So you found the Iconic Caden Coat by Gentle Fawn at the thrift store… But how much $ is too much to pay for a second hand coat??  You tell...